TOP > 公演情報 > 【中止】樹フィルハーモニー管弦楽団第7回定期演奏会
自由席 前売り 800円 当日 1000円(12:30~予定)
チケットぴあにて前売券販売中Pコード:189196 興行コード:2028480
河合 尚市(客演指揮)
ブラームス :悲劇的序曲 Op.81ラフマニノフ:交響組曲第2番 ホ短調Op.27
A different way to enjoy theater than watching a performance.Here are some ways to enjoy theater that are different from watching performances.
We offer various high-quality performance art based on themes such as the performance art's "creation," "exchange," "dissemination," and "jump to the future."