TOP > 公演情報 > 南依里 ピアノリサイタル
名作に秘められた伝説シリーズ Vol.15
自由席 一般¥5,500 / 学生¥ 1,500
②窓口で購入フェニーチェ堺販売時間 :9:00~20:00休館日:第1・3月曜(祝日の場合は開館)、年末年始、臨時休館あり
ベートーヴェン:ピアノ協奏曲第5番「皇帝」 ほか
Klang haus クラングハオス
A different way to enjoy theater than watching a performance.Here are some ways to enjoy theater that are different from watching performances.
We offer various high-quality performance art based on themes such as the performance art's "creation," "exchange," "dissemination," and "jump to the future."