TOP > 公演情報 > PIANO DUO Carmen & Piazzola Yoshimi & Mika 小川由美&赤松美華 ピアノデュオ ヨーロッパの巨匠 アンパロを迎えて
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G.ビゼー / カルメン組曲A. ピアソラ / ル・グラン・タンゴ ‚ リベルタンゴ ほか
全席自由 4,000円
主催 エムエムプランニング
A different way to enjoy theater than watching a performance.Here are some ways to enjoy theater that are different from watching performances.
We offer various high-quality performance art based on themes such as the performance art's "creation," "exchange," "dissemination," and "jump to the future."